School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

It's about perspectives

QuantLab - ML aims to combine the disciplines of Financial Mathematics and Machine Learning. It is meant to develop an infrastructure of carrying out research in this area, develop and conduct teaching and cooperating with industry partners (Banks, Energy, Insurance, IT). The QuantLab – ML at Bergische Universität Wuppertal (BUW) also serves as a platform for connecting with like-minded people which are at present only loosely coupled. This includes an academic cooperation with several universities ...


QuantLab is an initiative of Prof. Dr. Christian Fries at Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich. This is the starting point of the initiative. We at BUW want to team up with the original QuantLab but focus on the Machine Learning aspect and its interplay with Quantitative Finance. This perspective takes a fresh look to the subject but also is a great complement to the current initiatives taking place at BUW. We also wish to attract industry partners that are financial institutions, energy trading firms or IT firms supplying Machine Learning frameworks.

  • Create state of the art QF library with ML ready applications
    • Easy to use and, thus, leveraging your (daily) work/research
    • Flows smoothly with Tensorflow (TF), PyTorch and Python
    • Applied for practical purposes in financial institutions, teaching and research
    • Has common system interfaces and could re-use already libraries, eg. Prof. Fries’ FinMathLib
  • Aiming to become a leading modern analytics, research and teaching brand
    • Teaching and research (Conferences, Papers, Books)
    • Cooperation (creating models for leading banks, asset managers, insurers; leading
    • universities)
  • Establish Python/ML based solutions as industry standard – Open Source RaaS
    • Financial institutions look for solutions based on “understandable”, easy to use open source software – especially for areas that do not generate revenue in the first place (risk control, middle-/ backoffice, …)
    • Trend to combine classic “quant shops” with data analytics/data science units
    • RaaS – Risk as a Service (Well documented, open source risk models – regulatory proof)
  • The QuantLab - ML aims to provide cutting edge numerical techniques that fit into the new era of combining classical QF with ML and work with the current ML set-up.
  • The results are applied in practice, education and research. We emphasize the work on industry best practices and industry relevance.

It’s about perspectives - Main Goals

QuantLab - ML aims to combine the disciplines of Financial Mathematics and Machine Learning. It is meant to develop an infrastructure of carrying out research in this area, develop and conduct teaching and cooperating with industry partners (Banks, Energy, Insurance, IT). The QuantLab – ML at Bergische Universität Wuppertal (BUW) also serves as a platform for connecting with like-minded people which are at present only loosely coupled. This includes an academic cooperation with several universities ...


QuantLab is an initiative of Prof. Dr. Christian Fries at Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich. This is the starting point of the initiative. We at BUW want to team up with the original QuantLab but focus on the Machine Learning aspect and its interplay with Quantitative Finance. This perspective takes a fresh look to the subject but also is a great complement to the current initiatives taking place at BUW. We also wish to attract industry partners that are financial institutions, energy trading firms or IT firms supplying Machine Learning frameworks.